====== How to translate romcenter to your language ? ====== First, check in romcenter if your transation is not yet available. ====== Translation ====== Romcenter strings are stored in a resource file located in romcenter\resx folder. You can edit existing files or create a new one by copying an romcenter.resx and adding your language code. ===== Translating strings ===== With a text editor With a resource editor: There are several free resx editors. I recommend using the standalone version of (https://github.com/tom-englert/ResXResourceManager/releases). It can do an automatic pre-translation using google translate. Other tool: Zeta Resource Editor ===== Compiling new translation resources ===== Once the translation is done, you must compile the resx file to a satellite assembly for romcenter to use it. .resx -> .resources -> .dll To compile resx file, resgen.exe and al.exe are used (provided in romcenter Resx folder). Commands to generate a satellite assembly (.dll) from a string resource file (.resx): (Replace the XX by your language code (see here:http://www.csharp-examples.net/culture-names/)) resgen.exe /useSourcePath /compile romcenter.XX.resx,RomCenter.Localization.Resx.romcenter.XX.resources al.exe /culture:XX /out:RomCenter.Localization.resources.dll /platform:AnyCPU /template:..\RomCenter.Localization.dll /embed:RomCenter.Localization.Resx.romcenter.XX.resources This will generate the assembly RomCenter.Localization.dll ===== Testing translation ===== Copy this file into romcenter\XX\ Run romcenter Go into File/options and change language. Help and support: [[http://forum.romcenter.com]]